Friday, 27 December 2013

FJ Cruiser Club Australia - WA Chapter, Powerlines Track and Nganguring Rd Surroundings

Yet another great day out with fellow FJ Cruiser Club members. We went out to explore few tracks around Nganguring road and return via famous Powerline track. There were seven FJ Cruisers with various level of modifications including a stock 2013 model.
Meeting at Flynn Rd
A nice rocky section where we had a bit of play. Even the bare stock 2013 didn't have troubles whatsoever (see dashcam video below, the white one I was driving behind).
 Watch a short video of this rock climbing action
We stopped for lunch near a small lake just off the powerline track
Below is a 12 minutes video of that day's highlights

Saturday, 21 December 2013

FJ Cruiser Club Australia - WA Chapter, Powerlines Track Mundaring Night Run

Joined few fellow FJ Cruiser Club members on this Saturday night run. The chosen track was the famous Mundaring Powerlines. We did it in reverse starting from Flynn Rd and running East-West to Tank Hill Rd.
We met an hour before dusk for a catch up on latest mods and accessories. The night drive changed the perception quite a lot and although I did this track earlier it appears entirely different this time.

Few of us at muster point
Having a chat and waiting for the sun to go down
A quick stop for a photo

These are highlights of the night

Sunday, 1 December 2013

FJ Cruiser Club Australia - WA Chapter Monthly Meeting, Dwellingup

As per a good tradition December 2013 FJ Cruiser Club WA Chapter meeting was no exception, great turnout and lot of fun.
This time the chosen location was Dwellingup surroundings or more precisely the first half of famous Captain Fawcett Memorial Track. Rainy weather for previous two days made the track really fun with countless numbers of mud holes.

On the way to Dwellingup stopped shortly at the lake Banksiadale dam
At muster point on Sunday morning
Driving through the forest along Murray River
Stop for lunch at Murray River
There was a bit of river crossing action too

Here are couple of videos from my dashboard camera:
Part 1 shows highlights of driving through Dwellingup State Forest.
Part 2 are highlights of few steep ascents and descents we hit after crossing Murray River.
