Saturday, 4 February 2012

FJ Cruiser Club Australia - WA Chapter Monthly Meeting, Bob's Hill, Harvey

The biggest turnout and probably FJC Club Australia record so far with 13 Toyota FJ Cruisers lined up for the February's FJC Club Australia WA chapter's monthly run. A local 4WD popular area in Harvey's hills was chosen as this month destination. The weather was perfect and the biggest club's meeting so far was a real success.
The tracks were nice mix of everything from steep ascents, descents, ruts to water/log crossing so  something to keep everyone entertained.

It could be said that suspension is well sorted out when kids fall asleep while 4WD-ing.

A break for lunch somewhere in Harris River State Forest.

We stopped on a steep section for a bit of play in ruts.


Log crossing was an additional fun factor.
